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Traffic Operation and Design

  • Traffic signal design and modification
  • Channelization, signing, and Roadway Design
  • Computer Modeling for Traffic Engineering Applications
  • Areawide Traffic Improvement Programs
  • Central District Circulation and Traffic Studies
  • Transportation Facilities Master Planning and Design

Traffic engineering encompasses a range of activities to ensure smooth and safe traffic flow. This includes traffic signal design and modification, where engineers create and adjust signals to optimize traffic flow at intersections, as well as channelisation, signing, and roadway design, which guide traffic with lanes, signs, and barriers. Computer modeling for traffic engineering applications is used to simulate traffic patterns, helping to predict and address potential issues before implementing real-world changes. Areawide Traffic Improvement Programs focus on enhancing traffic flow and safety across broader regions, while Central District Circulation and Traffic Studies concentrate on specific urban areas, such as downtown districts, to manage vehicle and pedestrian movement. Transportation Facilities Master Planning and Design involves creating long-term plans for infrastructure like roads and bridges, aligning them with future growth and urban development to ensure sustainability and efficiency in transportation networks.

Transportation Planning

  • Site Traffic Circulation Studies

  • Computer Modelling for Planning Applications

  • Street and Highway Plans

  • Special Area Traffic Planning

  • Transportation Impact Studies

  • Traffic Demand Management

Site Traffic Circulation Studies assess vehicle and pedestrian movement within a defined location, like a campus or business park, aiming to streamline traffic flow and ensure safety. Computer Modelling for Planning Applications involves simulating urban planning scenarios to predict how new developments or land-use changes will impact traffic patterns. Street and Highway Plans entail designing and structuring roads while considering traffic volume, safety, and projected growth. Special Area Traffic Planning is tailored to unique zones, such as industrial or residential areas, with specific traffic needs. Transportation Impact Studies evaluate the effect of new developments on local traffic to inform infrastructure planning. Finally, Traffic Demand Management explores strategies to reduce congestion and boost transportation efficiency, often promoting public transit, carpooling, or cycling to alleviate pressure on roads. Together, these components form a comprehensive approach to traffic planning and management.


  • Comprehensive Parking Needs and Studies

  • Parking Facility Feasibility and Design

  • Parking Management Programs

Comprehensive Parking Needs and Studies evaluate parking demand in a given area by analyzing vehicle types, usage patterns, current capacities, peak times, and projected growth to plan for future parking requirements. Parking Facility Feasibility and Design focus on the viability of new parking facilities, considering location, capacity, cost, and environmental impact. The design addresses layout, structure, and accessibility for safety and user needs.
Parking Management Programs aim to optimize existing parking resources through strategies like dynamic pricing, time limits, and enforcement. These programs may incorporate technology, such as parking apps and automated systems, to improve user experience and reduce congestion.
Together, these approaches offer a holistic solution to parking challenges in urban and suburban settings, ensuring effective planning and management for current and future needs.

Highway and Traffic Safety

  • High Accident Locations Identification and Solutions

  • Traffic Control Device Inventories and Upgrading Studies

High Accident Locations Identification and Solutions focus on areas with high traffic accident rates, analyzing data to find common causes such as poor visibility, inadequate signage, or road design flaws. Solutions range from minor adjustments like adding signs or lighting to major changes like redesigning intersections or adding traffic signals.
Traffic Control Device Inventories and Upgrading Studies catalog traffic control devices—signals, signs, and road markings—to ensure they meet safety standards. These studies also identify outdated or faulty devices, recommending upgrades to improve traffic flow and safety. This could involve updating signals, adding road markings, or replacing old signs with more visible ones. These efforts collectively work toward safer road environments.

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